A simpler, safer way to sell luxury real estate.
It’s 2024. Property sellers deserve a professional, transparent, technology-enabled real estate agency.

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Selling a luxury property is both a financial and an emotional decision.

Whether you’re a private homeowner or a professional real estate developer, executing a transaction is a multi-phase, multi-month process that we aim to conclude in 6-9 months. We're here to make the process seamless, secure, and successful.

Why choose LLRE? Our “5 Cs”

  • Confidentiality: Your privacy is protected with our stringent buyer verification process.
  • Communication: We will keep you informed, with regular updates throughout the transaction process. We solve problems before they become problems.
  • Calmness: We stay composed, no matter what.
  • Common Sense: A well-researched, reasonable approach to property valuation
  • Customised Marketing: We take the time to understand the unique features of your property – then build a tailored marketing approach around them.

Our “5 Cs” Explained

Confidentiality: Your Privacy is Our Priority

We take your privacy seriously. That means – no confidential information about your property will be revealed until we have thoroughly verified and vetted potential buyers.

Our rigorous screening process ensures that only serious and qualified buyers gain access to the details of your home, protecting your privacy every step of the way.

We do not promote properties through public channels.

Communication: Profit is a Byproduct

Selling a property is complex, because property buyers are complex human beings seeking to fulfil a variety of their financial and emotional aspirations.

We believe that clear and consistent communication makes all the difference – and we document every stage of the transaction process.

Our team meticulously documents all buyer feedback, and presents it to our seller clients in reports that are simple and easy to understand.

From an initial consultation to the final, our team will communicate early and often, ensuring you’re always up-to-date and confident about the process.

Calmness: “Keep a Blue Head.”

Unfortunately, in high-stakes real estate negotiations, miscommunications are fairly common. It is LLRE’s job to keep a cool head, staying composed during emotional, occasionally frustrating, long-term negotiations.

People from different backgrounds, cultures, and financial situations react to conflict differently. When adversity inevitably appears, we overcome it with a relaxed, professional, approach – inspired by the rugby of the New Zealand All Blacks.

Common Sense: Be Reasonable and do the Research

Setting a target price for a property always begins with market research. A data-driven approach enables LLRE to position your property amidst – or outside – the category in which it sits.

Customisation: Unique Homes, Unique Campaigns

Every home has its own story – a story that starts with you, and why you built it. We take the time to understand what makes your home special – then ensure that it’s showcased only to the buyers who can appreciate its value.