Written By: Editorial Team Jan 19, 2023 06:30 PM Legal & Visa Updates , Regions & Markets Views : 6

Portugal Launch Online Golden Visa Renewals

This week SEF, Portugal’s immigration authorities, announced the introduction of a new online portal which will enable Golden Visa holders to automatically renew their residency permits online. The portal, which has been previously used for other types of visa renewals, will now be opened up to existing Golden Visa holders for the first time. Investors holding Golden Visa residency permits which have already expired or are due to expire before March 31st 2023 will be able to use this service.

Up until now, the only way to process a Golden Visa renewal was via an in-person appointment at SEF. This new online system will significantly reduce the backlog of renewal applications that built up in 2021 and 2022. It will also speed up the process for all applicants due to renew their visa in the coming months. Further details on the online system are still emerging. If you already hold a Golden Visa and are due to renew, we advise contacting your lawyer for further clarification.

Article Source: La Vida Golden Visas

Image Source: Fernando Guerra | FG+SG via Arch Daily